Our Owner, Darren Howton, Turns his home into 3D printing PPE Factory.
As the crisis grew, we were all put into lockdown. Darren knew he wanted to help somehow, maybe he could be 3D printing PPE?! So when a GP friend asked him to make her 20 PPE masks of course he said yes. Soon he had filled the house with 3D printers and began 3D printing PPE, while wife Jo worked hard to fundraise for the materials. The response from friends, family and the community was incredible and they were able to manufacture and distribute 1000’s of masks to the NHS, free of charge. They managed to get the masks directly to the intensive care wards that needed them, receiving many messages and calls of thanks from doctors across Kent and London.
The BBC was keen to showcase what they were doing and interviewed them for radio and News features. The whole family was involved, creating a little production line with their two boys even helping out.
“The love and support we have received has been incredible! It’s really heart warming, how so many people have pulled together during this incredible time. Thank you to each and every person who has supported us during this project” Darren Howton – Owner